My Jewelry Inventory
Part 2
My Anklet
My Memories
I started making a photo inventory of all my jewelry so that I would have record of everything that I own. I wanted to do this for two reason, the first being that I have a terrible memory and also because I needed a record for insurance purposes. I am a very visual person and I thought this would be the best way for me to keep track of my jewelry.
I only have one anklet and I of course did not want to leave this out of my photo inventory. The anklet is special to me and there is a story behind it. We had moved from South Carolina to Puerto Rico, I went not knowing anyone and very afraid of going to another country, although technically Puerto Rico is not another country it is definitely NOT the US.
While there I had a neighbor named Maryanna and we became really close. Matter of fact, she made our time in Puerto Rico so much better. We did everything together from spending time outside with the kids to going to dinner, shopping, going to the beach and more.
One day we were out and we found these lovely ankle bracelets and we both bought one. I still have mine to this day and this was 12 years ago. I lost track of Maryanna but I still search for her from time to time and I hope to one day reconnect with her. I still miss her and I have always missed her. Still I have my anklet and every time I see it reminds me of her.
So for today I have no fancy photos to share, I only have a story and my memories. Some things in life just hold a special place in our hearts.
Here's to friendship!!!
Hugs, Beverly
Tea Cottage Pretties